How EU-funded research eInfrastructures could address sustainability, innovation and data-related challenges

In a previous post I summarised the main challenges faced by research infrastructures as identified by Horizon 2020 Research Infrastructure Advisory Group. The challenges are sustainability, innovation and data exploitation. In this 14-minute videoblog, I share how I think EU-funded research eInfrastructures could address these challenges.

As usual, my objective is not to be prescriptive, but rather to stimulate debate. For those of you interested in understanding a little bit better how I think about research eInfrastructures, this videoblog might be of interest as well.

If you are in a rush and don’t have time to watch the video, you can download the slides to read them at your leisure.

Please share your comments below and happy watching 🙂

How EU-funded research eInfrastructures could address sustainability, innovation and data-related challenges